Shame Counselling | Online Therapy Australia

Our experienced therapists offer compassionate support and evidence-based strategies to overcome feelings of shame. Our therapists near you provide online counselling, including LGBT counselling, concentrating on mental wellness. We offer convenient and confidential services from therapy in Sydney to anywhere around Australia via telehealth. If you're seeking therapy for specific concerns like shame, your sexuality or general mental wellbeing, our team is here to assist you.

How we can help you

Our therapists can assist a client in navigating and overcoming feelings of shame through various therapeutic strategies. Therapists assist clients in overcoming shame by creating a supportive environment, exploring underlying beliefs, promoting self-compassion, and utilising therapeutic techniques such as cognitive restructuring, mindfulness, and expressive therapies.

Establishing Trust and Safety:

Therapists create a safe and non-judgmental space where clients feel comfortable exploring and expressing their feelings of shame without fear of criticism.

Understanding Shame Triggers:

Through open dialogue, therapists work with clients to identify specific events, experiences or thought patterns that trigger feelings of shame. Understanding these triggers is a crucial step in addressing them.

Cognitive Restructuring:

Therapists help clients recognise and challenge negative thought patterns associated with shame, which aims to replace self-critical beliefs with more positive and realistic perspectives.

Exploration of Core Beliefs:

Therapists assist clients in exploring and understanding deep-seated core beliefs that contribute to feelings of shame. By addressing and reframing these beliefs, clients can foster self-compassion and acceptance.

Developing Self-Compassion:

Therapists guide clients in cultivating self-compassion and understanding, which involves treating oneself with the same kindness and empathy that one might extend to a friend facing similar challenges.

Mindfulness Practices:

Introducing mindfulness techniques helps clients stay present and observe their thoughts and emotions non-judgmentally. Mindfulness can be a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of shame and fostering self-awareness.

Expressive Therapies:

Therapists may incorporate expressive therapies such as art, music, or writing to provide alternative avenues for clients to explore and express their shame-related emotions.

Boundary Setting and Assertiveness Training:

Therapists provide guidance on assertiveness training for clients who struggle with setting and maintaining boundaries, which helps clients establish healthy boundaries and communicate their needs effectively.

Narrative Therapy:

Therapists employ narrative approaches to help clients reframe their life stories to reduce shame, which involves highlighting strengths, resilience, and positive aspects of the client's identity.

Integration of Positive Experiences:

Therapists encourage clients to identify and integrate positive experiences into their self-concept. Focusing on achievements, strengths, and moments of pride can help counterbalance the impact of shame.